Friday, March 11, 2011

Andy Warol

Some facts about Andy Warhol:
-Andy was born in 1928 in Pittsburgh as the son of Slovak immigrants. original name was Andrew Warhola
-worked as an illustrator for magazines like Vogue and Harpar's Bazaar
-His first iconic image was a painting of a Campbell’s soup can>>was an idea he’d bought from the gallery owner Muriel Latow for $50
-didnt enjoy using paint so sister suggested that he do silk screening
-did portraits of Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Troy Donahue and Liz Taylor
-then did images based on car crashes, race riots and electric chairs
-then did flower paintings
-1964 made The Factory
-June 1968  shot by Valerie Solanas but survived
-He died as the result of a routine gallbladder operation on Feb. 22, 1987.

(source of info ny times article about him)

some of his artwork

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